Friday, January 7, 2011

The Shelf Herd comic series

I've started a new one-panel comic series about the model horse hobby in general. It's been suggested I post it on my blog, so here goes. I know it's not the best quality, but hopefully they still provide some enjoyment :)

After the first comic, I came up with a name:

Have a suggestion for a comic? Shoot me an email:


  1. I don't collect OF's so I'm not tempted by the grab bags. I've got to say, however, that I wouldn't mind one of those Enchanted Forest ponies!

  2. No kidding! I didn't go for the grab bags, either, so those ETs behind me are entirely fictional :). Too bad lol!

  3. I like the bite mark in the Wanted poster for the glossy spring model :D The Shelf Herd comics are really enjoyable, I can't wait to see more!

  4. Haha, thank you! I like to think it was a coyote ;). I'll definitely be posting more comics!
